The Second International Conference on Computational Science, Engineering
Technology (CCSEIT-2012)

Venue: Avinashilingam University,
October 28, 2012, Coimbatore, India.

Program Schedule

Hall - 2

October 28, 2012

Time Session 1

Chair : Natasa Zivic, University of Siegen, Germany

08:00 - 09:00AM


09:00 - 09:20AM Dynamic Task Partitioning Model in Parallel Computing     (Javed Ali and Rafiqul Zaman Khan)
09:20 - 09:40AM Review on Transform Based Medical Image Compression
(Sherin Jabbar and Aishwarya Vijayan)
09:40 - 10:00AM Extended wavelet transform based Image Inpainting Algorithm for Natural Scene Image Completion
( K.Sangeetha, P.Sengottuvelan and E.Balamurugan, BIT, India )
10:00 - 10:20AM -------------Break--------------
10.20 - 10.40AM
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic with High Security Registration Plate (HSRP) for Vehicle Classification and Checking in Toll-Plaza
(V. Sathya and J. Abdul Samath)
10.40 - 11.00AM
Digital Video Holography- A Robust Tool for Communication    (S.Ponchitra, K.Murali and P.K.Palanisamy)
11.00 - 11.20AM
Top Down Approach to Find Maximal Frequent Item Set First using Subset Creation
(Jnanamurthy HK , Vishesh HV ,Vishruth Jain and Preetham Kumar)
11.20 - 11.40AM
SOM-PAD: Novel Data Security Algorithm on Self Organizing Map
(Marghny Mohamed1,Abeer Al-Mehdhar2 and Mohamed Bamatraf)
11.40 - 12.00PM
An Empirical Evaluation of Exemplar Based Image Inpainting Algorithms for Natural Scene Image Completion            (K.Sangeetha and P.Sengottuvelan)
12.00 - 12.20PM Iris Matching and Indexing Techniques     (Mamta Agiwal and Kashif Ahmed)
12.20 - 01.40PM -----------Lunch Break-----------
Time Session 2

Chair : V. Radha, Avinashilingam University, India
01.40 - 02.00PM
Performance Evaluation of Different Techniques for texture Classification
( K.Sangeetha, P.Sengottuvelan and E.Balamurugan, BIT, India )
02.00 - 02.20PM
Weighted Performance comparison of DWT and LWT with PCA for Face Image Retrieval
(J.Madhavan1 and K.Porkumaran)
02.20 - 02.40PM
New Algorithm for Sensitive Rule Hiding using Data Distortion Technique
( Kasthuri S and Meyyappan T )
02.40 - 03.00PM
Secured Text Message Transmission with Implementation of Concatenated CFB Cryptographic Algorithm
( S.Saravanakumar, R.Senthil Kumar, B.S.Praviya Bharathi and H.Manju Priya )
03.00 - 03.20PM
Automatically Estimating Software Effort and Cost using Computing Intelligence Techniques
( SJin-Cherng Lin , Han-Yuan Tzeng, and Yueh-Ting )
03.20 - 03.40PM Backpropagation Learning Algorithm Based on Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm
( S.Sapna, A.Tamilarasi and M.Pravin Kumar )
03.40 - 04.00PM -----------Break-----------
04.00 - 04.20PM
Web Log Preprocessing based on Partial Ancestral Graph Technique for Session Construction
( S. Chitra and .B. Kalpana )
04.20 - 04.40PM
Data Forwarding in Opportunistic Networks using Mobile Traces
( B.Poonguzharselvi and V.Vetriselvi )
04.40 - 05.00PM
A Registry Based Discovery Mechanism for E-Learning Web Services
( Demian Antony D'Mello, Pramod Prabhu, Naveen Baliga, Nikhil Misquith and Flexon Fernandes )
05.00 - 05.20PM
The Unified Operation Structure for Symmetric-Key Algorithm
( Kuo-Tsang Huang and Sung-Shiou Shen)
05.20 - 05.40PM
Creation of a Test Bed Environment for Core Java Applications using White Box Testing Approaches
( Dhanamma Jagli and Priya )
05.40 - 06.00PM A Novel Approach for Energy Efficient Hierarchy based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
( S.Karthikeyan and S.Jayashri )