61 |
Intelligent Network-based Intrusion Detection System (INIDS) Mahalingam P.R,Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, India |
104 |
Mutual Authentication for wireless Communication Using Elliptic Curve Digital signature Based On Pre-known Password Tumpa Roy1, Poonam Sisodia1, Divye Upadhyay1 and Kamlesh Dutta2, 1GLA University, India and 2National Institute of Technology Hamirpur India |
108 |
Securing Multi-agent Systems: A survey and Assessment S.V.Nagaraj, RMK Engineering College, India |
118 |
Personal Secret Information Based Authentication Towards Preventing Phishing Attacks Gaurav Varshney, Anjali Sardana, IIT Roorkee, India . |
121 |
Key Distribution Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks: Novel classification and Analysis Premraj Mahajan, Anjali Sardana, IIT Roorkee, India |
124 |
An Integrated Intrusion Detection System For Credit Card Fraud Detection M.Sasirekha, Sumaiya Thaseen.I and Saira Banu J, VIT University, India |
130 |
Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Application Specific Processors for Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems Majid Nezakatolhoseini,Sam Jabbehdari and Mohammad Ali Pourmina, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran. |
149 |
ECDLP Based Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme Ramanuj Chouksey1, R.Sivashankari1 and Piyush Singhai2, 1Vellore Institute of Technology,India and 2Knowlarity Communications Private Limited,India |
157 |
SVIP-Enhanced Security Mechanism for SIP based VoIP Systems and its Issues D.Chandramohan and Shailesh Khapre, Pondicherry University, India |
275 |
Host-based Bot Detection using destination white-lists for user's profile Soniya B1 and Wilscy M2, 1SCT College of Engineering, India and 2Kerala University, India |
283 |
Effective Implementation And Evaluation Of Aes In Matlab Amish Kumar and Namita Tiwari, MANIT Bhopal, India |
292 |
Low Overhead Handoff Based Secure Checkpointing for Mobile Hosts Priyanka Dey and Suparna Biswas, West Bengal University of Technology, India |
382 |
Obfuscated Implementation of RC4 Roger Zahno and Amr M. Youssef , Concordia University, India |
400 |
A Statistical Pattern Mining Approach for Identifying Wireless Nur Al Hasan Haldar1, Muhammad Abulaish2 and Syed Asim Pasha3, 1Comviva Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India,2 King Saud University, KSA and 3Ericsson India - Gurgaon, India |
441 |
SLA for a Pervasive Healthcare Environment Valarmathi J , Lakshmi K , Menaga R.S and Abirami K.V, Madras Institute of Technology, India. |
462 |
Composing Signatures for misuse intrusion detection system using genetic algorithm in an offline environment Mayank Kumar Goyal and Alok Agarwal , JIIT University, India. |
473 |
SRSnF: A Strategy for Secured Routing in Spray and Focus Routing Protocol for Delay Tolerant Networks Sujoy Saha, Satadal Sengupta, Rohit Verma and Subrata Nandi, National Institute of Technology, India |
478 |
Multi Tree View of Complex Attack - Stuxnet Shivani Mishra1, Krishna Kant2 and R.S Yadav1 ,1Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, India and 2GLA University, India |
485 |
Secure Peer-Link Establishment in Wireless Mesh Networks
Swathi Bhumireddy, Somanath Tripathy and Rakesh Matam, Indian Institute of Technology Patna ,India. |
488 |
Secret Image Embedded Authentication of Song Signal through Wavelet Transform (IAWT)
Uttam Kr. Mondal 1 and J.K.Mandal2, 1 College of Engg. & Management Kolaghat , India and 2 University of Kalyani, India |
505 |
Specification Based IDS for Power Enhancement Related Vulnerabilities in AODV Chaitali Biswas Dutta 1 and Utpal Biswas 2, 1GIMT Guwahati, India and 2University of Kalyani, India |
520 |
English to Hindi Machine Translator Using GMT and RBMT Approach
Ambrish Srivastav1 and Nitin Hambir 2, 1Swami Vivekanand College of Engineering ,India and 2Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research , India |
530 |
Plugging DHCP Security Holes Using S-DHCP Amit Kumar Srivastava and Arun Kumar Misra, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, India |
585 |
Efficient cryptography technique on Perturbed data in Distributed Environment Nishant Doshi, S V National Institute of Technology, India |
622 |
A Novel Triangle Centroid Authentication Protocol For Cloud Environment AnithaKumari K, SudhaSadasivam G, Bhandari Chetna and Jeevan F R, PSG College of Technology, India |
624 |
Security and Availability of Data in the Cloud Ahtesham Akhtar Patel, S.Jaya Nirmala and S.Mary Saira Bhanu, NIT - Trichy, India |
632 |
A Novel power balanced encryption scheme for secure information exchange in Wireless Sensor Networks Shanta Mandal and Rituparna Chaki, West Bengal University of Technology, India |
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A Cryptographic Approach Towards Black Hole Attack Detection Pratima sarkar and Rituparna Chaki, West Bengal University of Technology, India |
641 |
Connecting Entropy-Based Detection methods and Entropy to Detect Covert Timing Channels Bukke Devendra Naik,Pothula Sujatha and P.Dhavachelvan, Pondicherry University, India |
656 |
Route and Load Aware Channel Assignment Algorithm for Multichannel and Multi radio Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks Jagadeesh Kakarla1, S Siva Sathya1 and Ramesh Babu B2, 1Pondicherry University,India and 2 Koneru Lakshmaiah University, India |
677 |
Performance analysis of TCP & UDP in co-located variable Bandwidth environment sharing same transmission links Mayank Kumar Goyal, Yatendra Kumar Verma, Paras Bassi and Paurush Kumar Misra, JIIT University, India. |
701 |
Personalised High Quality Search with in a Web Site : No User Profiling L.K. Joshila Grace1, V. Maheswari1 and Dhinaharan Nagamalai2, 1Sathyabama University, India and 2Wireilla Net Solutions PTY Ltd, Australia |